The kitchen is somehow more modern than you were expecting. It's dated, of course, but it feels homey. Knick-knacks line the walls, and you notice that whoever lives here must be fond of collecting things. A plate of cookies sits on the table. They're still warm, and a note beside the plate reads:
I made too many, so take whatever you want.
These are chocolate and caramel.
Please call me when you get home.
I'm about to go to the store, but I still need help deciding about supper."

The letter obviously wasn't written for you. Still, there is an entire plate of cookies ripe for the taking. Surely they wouldn't mind if you take one, right?

What would you like to do?
Take a cookie and look at the pantry | Leave the cookies and look at the pantry | Take a cookie and explore the bedroom | Leave the cookies and explore the bedroom | Take a cookie and go out on the back porch | Leave the coookies and go out on the back porch