The rest of the room is warm and cozy. A fire burns in the woodstove, though you hadn't noticed any smoke in the chimney when you first came upon this house. Odd.....
Firewood is stacked beside the stove, and a basket of knitting sits beside the chair. There's a bookshelf on the far wall, and as you walk closer to it, you see that it's stocked with a mix of mysteries and old romances.
Nancy Drew, Jane Eyre, The Lost Valentine....
The walls are covered in a mix of seemingly random paintings. Birds, religious artwork, trucks, dogs..... Whoever lives here clearly has at least a dozen interests. "Or rather, the people who live here." you think, remembering the different shoes that lay by the door. You wonder when the inhabitants will return. What began as a seemingly abandoned cabin now looks like a lively home. A small hall lies at the other end of the room, and you wonder where it leads to. "Probably the kitchen" you think. Your stomach rumbles. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to check it out.
Where will you go?

The bedroom | The kitchen