The porch is small but cozy. Potted plants sit near the edges of the porch, their leaves greedily soaking up the sun. A few old lawn chairs are scattered across the porch, their bodies weathered and old. One of the chairs, once a bright white plastic, is now brittle and crumbling with age, it's surface permanently stained with moss and mildew. A metal chair sits by the door, a faded floral cushion sitting in it's seat. You decide to try it out, and you find that it is surprisingly comfortable despite it's appearance. A small table sits on the other side of the door, an old and seemingly unused pink ashtray sitting atop it. A broom leans against the side of the cabin, ready to sweep away leaves or other debris. An old, cracked thermometer hangs from the wall near the edge of the windowpane, proudly displaying the temperature: 60'F
The worn welcome mat beckons you forward.
Would you like to go inside, or would you rather explore the property first?

Go Inside | Explore the Yard